Early footage of Pepper Adams
Check out this excellent footage of a young Pepper Adams performing “Sophisticated Lady” with Lionel Hampton. Nice chance to see Pepper a bit earlier than usual – still sounding great!
Check out this excellent footage of a young Pepper Adams performing “Sophisticated Lady” with Lionel Hampton. Nice chance to see Pepper a bit earlier than usual – still sounding great!
I have added our second Frank Basile transcription to the repository. This time from his album “Pepper Adams: Complete Compositions, Vol 4” on the Pepper Adams composition A Winter’s Tale.
I’d like to thank Anthony Pellegrini for sending this one in!
Head over to the Transcription repository and check it out!
There will be an excellent concert in New York City next week that is billed as a tribute to the great Howard Johnson! One of the most veteran jazz baritone saxophonists around. It looks like an excellent line up:
Taj Mahal with students of the InterSchool Orchestras of New York Symphony;
Beartones (baritone saxophonists Alex Harding, Erik Lawrence, Jason Marshall, Dave Schumacher, and Lauren Sevian);
Gravity with Guests (low-brass artists/tubists Dave Bargeron Music, Velvet Brown, Joseph Daley, Joe Exley, Clark Gayton, Jack Jeffers, Aaron J. Johnson, Bill Lowe, Earl McIntyre, Marcus Rojas, Jay Rozen, and Bob Stewart; with guitarist/vocalist Nedra Johnson);
Levon Helm Horns (Steven Bernstein, Jay Collins)
Yayoi Lina Ikawa: piano
Larry Fulcher: guitar
Melissa Slocum: double bass
Jerome Harris: bass guitar
Buddy Williams: drums
Wednesday, September 18, 7:30 PM; $100 (all proceeds support financial aid and scholarships for ISO students through ISO’s Howard Johnson Scholarship Fund)
Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Music Center
129 W 67th Street (bet. Broadway & Amsterdam Ave.)
New York NY 10036
The Jazz Profiles blog has posted a very in depth and interesting article on Gary Smulyan‘s latest album, “Alternative Contrafacts“
The post is worth a read and the album is definitely worth a listen. I think this is one of Gary’s best albums, especially in trio format.
Head on over and read the article to learn more about contrafacts and Gary’s album.
Baritonist, Kenny Berger has let us know about an upcoming gig he has in New York City.
Kenny Berger and New Tricks will be playing Thursday September 5th from 6-8pm at Silvana (300 w. 116th St NY, NY 10026)
Rounding out the band is alto saxophonist David Bixler, Chip Jackson on bass and Chuck Zeuren on drums. If you’re in or around NYC this is a great choice for a nice evening of live jazz.
I have been meaning to put together an article on cases specifically for baritone saxophones for some time. It might be the most common thing I get asked about in regards to the big horn.
In the new article released today I’ve collated my advice, experience and hopefully a fairly complete and accurate comparison of many of the options out there today. I’d like to thank Jason Marshall, Lauren Sevian, and Jeff Suzda for their input on the article as well.
Please head on over and check out the Baritone Saxophone Cases article.
Owen Broder has kindly sent in an additional transcription for the repository. This one is from be-bop master, Cecil Payne, on the great tune, “Scrapple From the Apple”. Head over to give it a download!
Baritone Saxophonist, Tim Stocker, has just released an album he has been working on for some time. These days Tim is living and playing in Singapore, but this album features some of the best musicians in NYC. The music is groove oriented with lots of great blowing and stretching out.
The album is officially out, so head on over and have a listen for yourself:
As mentioned previously, Baritonist Paul Nedzela is releasing his debut album as a leader. Today, July 12th in fact.
The album is simply titled, “Introducing Paul Nedzela”, and he’s brought in a great group of musicians to support him.
Paul was a student of the late Joe Temperley, and now holds the baritone chair in Wynton Marsalis’ Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra. In this author’s opinion, Paul is one of the best baritone saxophonists out there. He gets some solo opportunities in the LJCO, but its great to see him have a chance to really showcase his writing, blowing and small group work.
I’ve only made it through the whole album once, but rest assured its going to stay in rotation. Paul has a beautiful sound, unique to him, but clearly influenced by the baritone greats.
Use the links below to check out Paul’s album.
JazzTimes.com has posted a nice article with baritone saxophonist, Lauren Sevian, in which she discusses some of her favorite and some of the most iconic baritone saxophone solos. They have even created a nice Spotify playlist so you can listen to everything referenced.
Lauren is of course well versed in all the different baritone saxophone recordings, and I think her list is an excellent one with quite a bit of variation and hitting a lot of the major solos. Definitely a great starting place for a young baritone saxophonist or someone interested in delving deeper in the deep saxophone.
Check out the full article: