JazzBariSax Holiday Gift Guide Page

Curator, Andrew Hadro with some of the baritone gift options.

There are a lot of terrible or tacky saxophone things for sale on the internet. So I’ve done some digging and tried to save some time for people looking to get baritone related gifts for friends, family, or other baritone enthusiasts. I’ve already purchased a number of these items as you can see. Since the holidays are approaching I thought it might be a good idea to share the list with everyone. Though we shouldn’t need a holiday to shower the baritonists in our lives with gifts.

The items range from more generic posters/prints/t-shirts to very niche and well done artistic renderings of famous baritone minded musicians. 

So if you’re looking to pick up something (less costly than a new horn) for that special baritone saxophonist in your life, head over to the Gift Ideas Page.

If you’re looking for more practical maybe head over to the Accessories page for a nice gift.


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