Tag: baritone sax

New site is up, Frank Basile’s new project!

Welcome to the new JazzBariSax.com! The new framework of the site will allow for much more interactivity and more frequent updates. We will now be able to feature new releases, reviews, upcoming gigs and all sorts of amazing baritone branded events. We also are hoping to get some new articles to celebrate the re-launch of the site. Thank you for making it so popular!

Our first exciting bit of news to relate is that baritone saxophonist Frank Basile has just launched a Kickstarter project to help get his next CD put into production and released. Kickstarter is a wonderful new online project funding website where artists can really take control and get the money they need to make their music become real. Frank’s last two albums as a leader are fantastic, and there is absolutely no doubt this one will be too. Head on over to his Kickstarter page to pledge! You can pledge different amounts of money, your credit card is only charged at the completion date if the project is successful. Lets make sure it is.

A baritone HANG in NYC!

On Thursday May 10th, 2012 Claire Daly and Andrew Hadro co-hosted a veritably massive hang for all of the baritone saxophonists in the NYC area. We had a great turnout, and an even better time talking all things baritone. Claire graciously offered her loft space and JazzBariSax.com provided the snacks.

We were lucky enough to have with us all of these great people (in no particular order): Adison Evans, Andrew Hadro, Claire Daly, Jason Marshall, Matt Snyder, B.J. Jansen, Roger Rosenberg, Kenny Berger, Don Payne, Ex Xiques, Frank Basile, Erik Lawrence, Frank Vacin, Brad Hubbard, Tony Lustig, Lisa Parrott, Jon Gudmundson!