Category: Transcriptions

Finally, a Harry Carney transcription!

It took longer than it perhaps should of, but with the new addition from Maximiliano D.L. we now have a Harry Carney solo transcription in the repository. Since Harry almost universally agreed to be the father of modern jazz baritone saxophone, i’d suggest everyone check it out! Its from a beautiful album where Harry got some much deserved solo time with strings.

Head on over to the transcriptions page to check it out!

New Transcription up: Leo P “My Girl”.

Our thanks go out to Masahiro Totsuka for a new transcription this week. This time we have a new transcription from the young dance-baritone player phenom, Leo P (not to be confused with Leo Parker, the 1940’s R&B/Blues baritonist.) The solo is on the classic pop song “My Girl” from the album NYC from the band Lucky Chops. Head on over to the transcription page to check it out!

Leo P is often seen busking in the NYC Subways and has been gaining popularity with the band Too Many Zoos, which you can check out here.